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Friday, February 17, 2012

Testing on Google indexing speed -2

Refer to my previous post "Testing on Google indexing speed", I have register the sitemap of this blog to google, with 18 pages in total.

The registration is done on  Sunday, February 12, 2012, and the indexing has just finished today, which is February 18, 2012.

The results is, Google take about a week to index pages. It did the indexing on all 18 pages in one go.

 It was found that Google Indexing speed is quite slow. If you make an update on your site, you need to wait for at least one week to find the changes on Google Search Engine. Hope this can give some latest information to those SEO investigators.

Next, I am going to do another testing on Google Search, which is, the number of pages that Google can indexed in one go.

To do so, I have submitted the sitemap of another site "Google Android Apps And Games", which include 1803 pages in total.

Let see how long will Google take to index all these pages.

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